Electric Control Valve

2013-12-17 17:29:29 lifupeng507 244
Electric valve, Another name: motor-driven valve or electric motorized valve. Simply the electric valve actuators with valve bodies, enabling the valve on and off. Which can be divided into two parts, the upper part of the electric actuator, the valve into the lower half.
Electric valve is controlled valves in the high-end products, which can not only realize the switch role in regulating electric valve but also be achieved valve adjustment. Electric actuator stroke can be divided into: 90 ° angle straight trip itinerary and two, but also to meet the special requirements of 180 °, 270 °, 360 ° full stroke. By a rotary electric actuator stroke with angle valve use to achieve within the control valve 90 ° spin-off fluid conduit; straight stroke electric actuator with a straight stroke valve, the valve plate movement under control to achieve the fluid off the pipe.
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